Au Revoir Montreal

Quebec is beautiful. Like really, really beautiful. I flew in and had the absolute pleasure of meeting with many vendors, but Plaisirs Gourmets left a friendship everlasting. They represent 17 Quebec artisan cheese makers that, I believe, showcase everything we desire for cheese. There is passion, quality and integrity. Their craftsman ship is outstanding and the actual products themselves taste, well, amazing.

I had the opportunity to visit 2 artisan cheese makers, Fromagerie de la Station, an Organic cheese maker with beautiful pastures, pristine facilities and an aging room full of award winning cheeses. Fromagerie du Presbytere left me with goose bumps, touring me through the old presbytere and state of the art aging room built withing the walls of the church at Saint-Elizabeth-de-Warwick. Jean Morin your generosity and warm welcoming had me wanting to never leave. Each of these factories swept me off my feet all for the love of Cheese.

Quebec city was a whirlwind affair. Not enough time to soak in your culture and savor the richness of your outstanding history. I will be back in September to attend the Caseus awards to revel and celebrate with artisan cheese makers from around the province of Quebec.